Milestones in CATS History

CATS startup under the City of Clovis Older Adults Department.

New Program Director named for CATS Program, Mary Lou Kemp

Annual Trip Count = 53,771

Annual Trip Count = 53,384

Annual Trip Count = 53,771

The CATS program separates from the Older Adults Department and becomes the Transit Department for the City of Clovis.

CATS applies and is awarded a technical assistance grant through the Community Transportation Association of America to identify strategies for improved public transportation for the Clovis area.

Request submitted to Congressional Delegation requesting funding to build a Transit Facility for the City of Clovis.

New “Welfare to Work” program begins and hours of operation are extended to 9:00 pm

City Commission approval granted to proceed with our Transit Facility Project (FTA 5309 Funding)

Passenger Fare increases from 50 cents to 75 cents.

Annual Trip Count = 64,448

CATS applies for and is awarded a planning grant to study future service design alternatives including fixed route

Groundbreaking on new Transit Facility (October 2006) – Phase 1

Welfare to Work program ends, 1 vehicle reverted back to NMDOT

CATS moves into new Transit Facility at 401 E 7th Street

Fixed Route Task Force formed

Completion of 2nd Phase of construction on CATS Facility (2nd half of bus shed & storage bldg)

Fixed route study session with the Clovis City Commission

New Scheduling Software, Ecolane purchased and implemented

Annual Trip Count = 68,972

COVID -19 takes a toll on staff, ridership and operations

Fares are suspended due to COVID as of March 27, 2020

With FTA’s waiver due to COVID, CATS begins delivery of hot meals to seniors and food boxes, April 2020